Aloha Oe!

Welcome to our main blog. It was built to commemorate the brotherhood of the "Q", originally a large group of Quake I LAN gamers that have since moved on in life.
The core group still games together, clan tagged as UFA, though less often. Nowadays (with age setting in) we do more active stuff to keep the joints and brain cells alive.
If you're a former or present member of UFA then see what's happening. And if not, enjoy your visit! Happy Blogging All!!!

Thursday, October 27, 2005

Christmas Caroles!

Hey all. Was thinking of doing some Christmas Caroling this year. Doesn't necessarily have to be traditional either. I was checking out the Eagles, "Please Come Home For Christmas", Lennon's "Happy Christmas", and the traditional "O, Holy Night" as well. Anyway, if you're interested let me know.


Blogger skunkratt said...

Forgot we also worked on the hellacious "Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas" choral and I just finished "Greensleeves".

3:59 PM  
Blogger skunkratt said...

What you think?

3:36 PM  
Blogger skunkratt said...

Ok, everyone knows about the talent show right? I asked Rayn about it and she said no one even responded. Wtf?.

As I was telling Stink today we should probably do some group thing with our own department. Would be real easy to pull the regular singers and make one "supergroup" but would be no competition.

Anyway, I think each of you should talk to your departments about it and try make something. Don't be surprised if Ducky shows and performs as Wonder Woman!! :P

4:38 PM  
Blogger skunkratt said...

No dice on caroling for this season. Talent show is canceled as well. But there is hope for next year. Anyone interested in really getting some kind of shit together than let me know and we can plan it out.

7:41 AM  

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