Aloha Oe!

Welcome to our main blog. It was built to commemorate the brotherhood of the "Q", originally a large group of Quake I LAN gamers that have since moved on in life.
The core group still games together, clan tagged as UFA, though less often. Nowadays (with age setting in) we do more active stuff to keep the joints and brain cells alive.
If you're a former or present member of UFA then see what's happening. And if not, enjoy your visit! Happy Blogging All!!!

Monday, November 28, 2005

Professional Gaming

Okole was telling me about a recent MTV True Life episode about professional gaming. I was checking out the vidz on-line and saw how deep these kids are into it. Shit, I thought we were bad but they are hardcore. Talk about ownage I don't think this amalgamation of talent realizes the game actually owns them!!

Anyway, still give em props for excelling at something. Gotta have goals in life and at the very least they wanna own everyone.


Blogger Joemama said...

They are playing for a pretty good sums nowadays. I mean one of the top players has some kind of deal with Logitek or someone like that. It is almost the same kind of deal that a pro athlete gets. They are almost selling his name like a brand.

9:10 AM  

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